Friday Favorites (02.14.25)

Good morning, and happy Valentine’s Day! It’s so awesome when Valentine’s Day lands on a Friday – mostly if you plan on doing something this day and get a sitter, lol! I think our day will involve hanging with the kiddos and doing our favorite tradition annual Valentine card reading! Andrew’s dad used to do this When he was a kid, now we torture our own kids lol the Valentines day card reading Andrew opening everyone of the kids Valentines and reading them in a cringe voice acting as if the note on the Valentine is from a legit crush lol it is torture ha ha!

The kids are off for another 4 day weekend! What a life!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share them!

Link up with Andrea and Erika
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Let’s Look: How you Work on Your Marriage

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today is a Let’s Look prompt where we link up with Shay from Mix and Match Mama blog and Erica from A Little Bit of Everything blog. I’m super excited about all the topics this year – they are just so creative and fun! So kind of them to do these link up parties!

This month’s topic is, how you work on your marriage. When I looked at the calendar to see what the post was – I mentioned it to him to get some input! After all, it takes two to tango!


Prime Time – Recent Amazon Purchases – February ‘25

Hey, hey, hey and happy Tuesday! My gosh have we had a brutal winter of cold this year! I was looking at the forecast- really wondering when I can stop out into the garden and work on some things and I’m not sure the ground will ever thaw! Let’s pray the weather starts taking a turn!

Today, is Prime Time Tuesday where we take a look at some of our Amazon purchases this month. Since it’s Valentine’s Day week, most of my purchases this month have to do with a craft I plan to do for JP’s class party!

So let’s have a look at our Amazon this month!


10 Bad Habits I’m Breaking in 2025

Hey, hey, hey and happy Thursday! The kids had an ice day today and I’m off to try and knock out my to-do/chore list, while keeping them in line!

I celebrated my birthday this week and decided to blog about habits for some reason. I think after I’ve found my personal groove in my thirties and understand myself a little more every day. Sooooo….here we are, today, I’m going to share 10 bad habits I currently do, that I’m working on breaking in 2025.

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Helpful and Flexible Home Cleaning Checklist

Happy Tuesday! Today I am re-sharing my cleaning checklist because I use it every single day! In an effort to keep up with things around the house and not get TOO overwhelmed, I put together a thorough home maintenance schedule based on combining multiple cleaning checklists.

I shared in my Motherhood Monday post today, that I need small achievable goals and this cleaning checklist allows me flexibility and a realistic approach to taking care of our home.


Motherhood Monday: Positive Habits for SAHM

Good morning and happy Tuesday! I don’t mean to trip you out, but I’m going to share two posts today – one, Motherhood Monday (on a Tuesday) because I didn’t get to it and the second involves my cleaning checklist I still LOVE and use to this day!

Both posts go hand in hand in a way, so if you’re a new stay at home Mom or a working Mom who is looking for some habits to implement that won’t completely overwhelm you after a long day at work, I hope this read helps you!

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Friday Favorites (01.24.25)

It’s Friday!! The weekend is here again? HOW??! The kids had two days of school this week, so they are pumped for another couple days off of school yet again!

We are looking forward to a fun weekend – the school is kicking off Catholic Schools week with a paint night and dinner so that should be a fun time for our family!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share them!

Link up with Andrea and Erika
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Day in the Life 1.22.25 – Snow Day Edition

Oh my goodness, when I went to clone a former day in the life post, 1.23.24 – Snow Day Edition, happened to be the last one! It’s crazy, how life can be so similar just a year apart. I had it on my calendar to share a day in the life post today and it happened to ALSO be another snow Day edition. The kids have been out of school and truly enjoyed their 5-day weekend…

So, today, we are back in the swing of things and about to share our day yesterday! Hope you enjoy reading along! These posts are like little journal entries for me, and I am so happy I write them because I know someday, I will absolutely love looking back at the good ole days!

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January 2025 Garden Update

Good morning and happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a great weekend! We’ve been enjoying the loooong “weekend” (the kids are still home from school due to extreme cold) and have been staying nice and cozy during the cold snap we’ve been having! Today, I decided to bring back my garden update post. Of course there is nothing “actively” growing in this frozen tundra, (besides my tulips) but it doesn’t mean I’m not doing anything to prepare for the upcoming season!


Friday Favorites (01.17.25)

Happy Friday everyone! Another week down – how are we in the middle of January already?!

I think we are gearing up for a LOOOONNNNGGG weekend and hope I haven’t been hyping the kids up too much… we are expecting some cold temps Tuesday and Wednesday next week – and with MLK day on Monday, I’m thinking a 5 day weekend…

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share them!

Link up with Andrea and Erika
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All Things Winter Love

Good morning and Happy Thursday! My gosh, it’s been FREEZING cold here and very snowy (consistently), which hasn’t happened the past couple winters. The past couple winters have been very mild and had a lot less days of snow on the ground. I am really enjoying it though.

Today, I’m giving winter all the love in this post. Why I’ve come to love it and appreciate it more. Now, I’m not gonna lie, I start to get really annoyed by the end of February, but for now, let’s embrace the beauty winter has to offer!

So let’s jump into some winter love…

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Let’s Look: Low Level Goals for 2025

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today is a Let’s Look prompt where we link up with Shay from Mix and Match Mama blog and Erica from A Little Bit of Everything blog. I’m super excited about all the topics this year – they are just so creative and fun! So kind of them to do these link up parties!

This month’s topic is, low level goals for 2025. These low level goals are actionable and a means to an end or towards achieving your high level goal – more day to day goals.

In case you missed it, I blogged about my 2025 goals here


Recents in Homemaking

Happy Monday, everyone! This past weekend FLEW – not only did I feel it, but the kids felt it this morning! I hope you all had a great weekend and are ready to tackle the week ahead!

Today, I wanted to share a recent “project?” I guess I would call it. As I mentioned, my goals for this year are to streamline and simplify. In our house, I made a list of the areas that are CONSTANTLY causing me problems. Want to know what one of the main problem points is?

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